Special Liposuction - Face and chin liposuction and transplantation of fat



liposuction of face and neck



As people get old, there is more fat pads on chin and less elasticity which gives a double chin with no sharp chin line. Tumescent liposuction is the best way to operate chin, especially for those who does not want long recovering time, scars, or side effects of visual plastic surgery.


Saggy chin and cheek are one of the most effective areas, and it is part of aging in 40-50s. Chin and face liposuction only removes fat from neck muscle to skin, platysma muscle which appears when a person opens mouth to the left and right and close.



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Fat pads on the lower part of platysma cannot be removed due to dangerousness of throat, nerve system, and vain damage. If chin and face liposuction is undergone with micro cannula, it can result not bumpy, but smooth line. For contraction of skin, we use laser or VASER ultrasonic. The doctor should be careful with damage of face nerves or vain which can cause not only hemorrhage but also facial paralysis.


If there is excessive sagginess on chin, we use 3rd generation VASER liposuction or do liposuction after checking the inside of fat layer with Nd-YAG laser for faster skin contraction.


There are many cases that young woman gets face liposuction and transplantation of fat for V-line.


The advantage of fat transplantation is that it improves hollow parts of face like filler. It also has anti-aging effect due to growth factor of fat. Venus Clinic has many experiences of overall fat transplantations such as forehead, temple, below the eyes, nasolabial folds, chins, or cheeks.


We do not show the before and after pictures of fat transplantation, because it is hard to compare overall look with mosaic effect.




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; Photo of young woman's face and chin before and after liposuction surgery.


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