Reoperation on thighs and buttock - case study


;The most cases of reoperation on thighs are from disharmonious obesity. Disharmonious Obesity is long-term side effect which cause overall unbalance body figure because of partial liposuction. You can see more details on Doctor’s Column, ‘what is disharmonious obesity?


These are the areas that have disharmonious obesity after the thigh liposuction.


  1. Shrink on buttock on outer buttock like in that of old ages, due to excessive fat removal. You can understand better with the picture below.
  2. Excessive fat removal from outer thighs, saddle bag, makes hollow and straight thigh line which does not have cursive feminine line.
  3. Liposuction only on thighs which keeps the same size for buttock. Compare to thigh size, buttock size looks bigger and becomes saggy after the operation. Also there is a damage to banana fold, it causes saggy buttock or double wrinkles which makes thighs to look shorter and buttock to look longer.
  4. Left over fat above the knee due to liposuction only on upper thighs. After the operation, temporarily, upper thighs size reduces and makes a straight line to make thighs to look longer, but later fat pads on upper knee outstands and gives unbalanced body figure cosmetically.


If you divide thigh in 3 parts, 1/3 of mid part is little hollow for everyone. If the doctor ignores this fact and does excessive fat removal, it will make that part more hollow and makes inner thigh lines like bowed legs which is not natural.


It is important to focus on removing the fat evenly and artistically rather than megaLiposuction for thigh liposuction to make balanced and natural shape.



The picture below shows the shape change of excessive outer buttock fat removal; also liposuction only on thighs, blue marked area, made a bad result cosmetically which gives a bumpy triangular shape. This patient got balanced body after overall thigh liposuction which included thighs, buttocks, and knees and fat transplantation on buttocks.



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The picture below, buttock looks bigger and saggy due to liposuction only on thighs and had bumpy skin due to uneven fat removal. There was not enough fat removal on upper thighs and upper knees, but there was excessive fat removals on inner mid-thighs and outer thighs.


We did overall reoperation with buttock up and reduction liposuction and fat transplantation on hollow areas.






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Below pictures are the cases that buttocks look bigger and saggy due to liposuction only on thighs. Only the thigh size decrease, but no buttock. We did liposuctions on buttocks and hips, it reduces buttock size and fixed saggy buttock.






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The liposuction which does not care about the harmony between thighs and buttocks makes unbalanced body figure, saggy buttocks, and damage on banana fold.


Moreover, there was a saggy buttock with wrinkles due to damage on ligaments that supports buttock ( Lushkevich ligament). We did buttock up with buttock reduction, and fixed double wrinkles; the thighs got longer.






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Last picture shows the saggy buttock due to damage on banana fold and caused double wrinkles. It has saggy and longer buttock and came down to thighs. After the reoperation, wrinkles was not fixed completely but it was improved a lot. Patient got natural and hip-up shape of buttocks.






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